Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis

Here are some answers of the most frequently asked questions provided to you by your qualified clinical hypnotherapist in Melbourne.

General Information

Here are some of the most questions that are asked of Melbourne hypnotherapists about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Whether it is about what happens in a hypnotherapy session, how to book a session, how it works, or whether you can be hypnotised.

If there are still questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

frequently asked questions about your hypnotherapist nearby

No such thing
as a silly

  • During a hypnosis session, we will have an initial discussion to understand what treatment, problems, issues you’d like to work on.

    At the same time we will discuss any preferences as well as concerns that you may have to ensure the session is tailored specifically to you.

    I will explain in detail what the process will be (pre-hypnosis and post-hypnosis) so you understand that this session is a safe space created to ensure we get the best outcome possible.

  • There are ideas that suggest that not everyone is hypnotisable. The thing is, most people on the entire planet have been hypnotised in some way, shape or form. It is a state of extreme focus and awareness. In some cases it could seen as ‘daydreaming’ or ‘meditation’, where you are half awake or even half asleep.

    During a hypnotised state, you will feel calmer and more relaxed. You will still be aware of your surroundings, including sounds, smells, the comfy chair you’ll be sitting in, and likely your breathing.

    Under a hypnotic state you will hear the sound of my voice through the entire session, where you will be guided to an altered state of awareness (this is your subconscious mind). And from there suggestions will be made to your subconscious mind where it will find ways to serve you and resolve your issues.

  • One of the first exercises to help you go under a hypnotic trance is by using breathwork exercises. This approach helps ground you, and in turn calm your mind and body. Which is important in accessing your subconscious mind.

    If there is that chance of you not being able to be hypnotised. And I have exhausted every hypnosis trick in the book.

    We will try a different approach. Whether it is with medical intuition, talk therapy, meditation, coaching, muscle testing (kinesiology tools), and or perhaps more breathwork.

    Everyone is unique, so some individuals may need to start off at a different point before they are able to be under a hypnotic state.

  • You will have full control of the session.

    Even though I am facilitating and guiding you throughout the process. You will remain in control of anything and everything.

    This is your mind, and the imagery, messages, impressions, and information you receive are yours and yours alone.

    You will not be asked to do or say anything against your will.

    Everything that is done in this session(s) aims to provide you with the best positive changes that serve you.

  • The aim of clinical hypnotherapy is to bring positive changes into your life.

    Hypnotherapy is not a singular role, it is a collaboration where we will work together and find ways to resolve your issues.

    The process starts with me guiding you into a hypnotic state of relaxtion and peace. This is typically done with breathwork exercises, also known pranayama.

    While in this hypnotic state, exercises are conducted to help you become more relaxed and comfortable.

    And as you become more relaxed, your conscious mind will also be more relaxed. Making your subconscious mind become more accessible, and in turn more receptive to information and suggestions.

    During this time, when suggestions are needed, solutions will present themsleves to help you overcome the problems you wish to be treated.

    After the session is complete, we will debrief and discuss what happened and what the next step will be (if there is a next step).

    Everyone is different, some may need some strategies, some may not, some may need time to digest what happened in the session.

    But everything that happens in that session. Is private and confidential and stays between us.

  • There is no real answer for this question. It really depends on the problem that needs to be worked on.

    If it is a minor case it could be at least one session. If it is a more complex case, it could be at least 3. No one is made the same, no problems are made the same either.

    As a disclaimer, it also depends on your determination and willingness to bring change into your life.

  • When preparing for a session, it is always ideal to get some rest (to the best of your ability).

    Please refrain from drinking alcohol or taking any recreational drugs 24 hours prior to your session.

  • It would always be great to be able to say all clients were able to achieve their desired outcomes with hypnotherapy. The majority of my clients so far have achieved results. Whether it is from one or more sessions.

    Most would want a complete change in their behaviours and beliefs. But because everyone is different and unique it is difficult to gauge what a ‘result’ would mean to you.

    Your interpretation or perspective of ‘results’ is going to be different for everyone. It could be an epiphany, it could be a realisation, an insight, it could even be a complete change in your habits.

    My question to you would be what are you hoping to achieve and what are your expectations? Do you want to FEEL better, or GET better? If you are desiring lasting change, it goes back to a mutual agreement of working together.

    Results will vary, as everyone is their own unique individual. So your intentions, determination and receptivity will be important in creating the changes you desire. When you start taking intentional action and changing your behaviour/patterns, so too does your brain. By engaging with momentum created, you can interrupt your patterns. And through repetition, discipline, consistency and courage play a big part achieving the results you desire.

    As the saying goes: “Rome wasn’t build in a day”. So it is important to remember, great achievements do not take shape overnight. It requires continuous effort and intentional action.

  • Mobile hypnotherapy is a, we travel to you, in-home service provided by Dr. T Hypnotherapy.

    Click here to find out more.

    In addition to in-person private therapy room services. We also can travel to your home to conduct hypnotherapy, all in the comfort of your home.

  • A post-hypnotic suggestion can last for years without the need to re-hypnotise. If you did return to old patterns it is possible that an issue was not fully recognised or observed.

    It’s also possible that something has happened that re-triggered the issue.

  • Typically a session will last 2 hours. First time sessions may last a little longer because we need to have the initial consultation and discuss what you’d like to work on.

    Find out more details about hypnotherapy sessions.

  • There are 3 ways

    1. Contact me on 0423 000 753

    2. Email me at

    3. Book a phone consultation

    Each way of contacting me will result in a free 20 minute consultation. This will be a discussion about what problems or issues you’d like to work on. What preferences and concerns you have. What questions you’d like to ask.

    Based on the discussion, I will give you an idea of what and how we should work on the issue.

    If you’d like to continue, we will schedule a session(s).

    You have a choice of:

    Mobile hypnotherapy service

    In person Hypnotherapy Clinic


    Online hypnotherapy services

    Please Note: a $100 booking fee will be required to secure your scheduled session.

  • I offer hypnotherapy throughout Melbourne.

    To answer this question more concisely:

    If you prefer face to face sessions, I offer hypnosis at my hypnotherapy clinic located at Uluna Crystals in Altona North.

    If attending the hypnosis clinic is not applicable or suitable for you. We can also come to your safe location. (A travel fee may apply if the distance is greater than 40 km).

    I am able to service most local suburbs and areas, close to and throughout Melbourne, Victoria.

    Otherwise, another alternative is through online hypnosis sessions with Zoom. This service is available throughout Melbourne and Australia.

  • There is a 5 day cancellation policy. The cancellation fee is your booking fee.

    If your session needs to be cancelled or rescheduled with less than 5 working days notice, your entire booking fee will be forfeited. Failure to attend your session will also forfeit your booking fee.

    For example; a 9am Saturday session must be cancelled/rescheduled by 9am Monday morning.

    If cancellation occurs with more than 5 working days notice, your booking fee will be refunded.

    If you reschedule your session with more than 5 working days notice, your booking fee will be retained as credit and will be used to reschedule your session to a date that is appropriate for you.

    If you feel you are unable to attend a session, please notify me as soon as possible.

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